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 Our Clients Are Global

ESTA International proudly serves a diverse range of clients across the global energy industry. We believe that the success of our projects hinges on the quality of the team behind them, which is why we’ve carefully selected the most skilled professionals in the industry. Our success is driven by a proven work plan and a comprehensive training program that goes beyond the requested scope, ensuring that we consistently exceed client expectations.

ESTA’s clients include transmission and distribution utilities, government agencies and R&D institutions in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, the Philippines, India, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Croatia, Mauritius, and Kenya, as well as multi-national institutions such as the World Bank, USTDA, USEA, UNDP, and others. ESTA has also worked on projects for the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the US Department of Energy (DOE).

 Notable Engagements

Top of Project List



USA: Duquesne Light Company (DLC) – DERMS Use Case and Business Case Development

ESTA is currently facilitating discussions with DLC stakeholders to promote a common understanding of the implementation challenges and opportunities that can be gained by deploying Advanced Technologies and DERMS at DLC. The results of this project will provide a foundation for DLC’s roadmap for future Advanced Technologies programs, which include DERMS deployment. ESTA will also conduct a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to identify ADMS, DERMS and Advanced Technology functions that can provide significant benefits to DLC and its customers.


USA: Eversource – DMS, OMS and DERMS Requirements Review and Update

ESTA developed a comprehensive set of functional, technical, and performance requirements for an ADMS to be implemented by the four Eversource operating companies. Requirements included cutting edge advanced distribution system applications (unbalanced load flow, VVO, FLISR, state estimation, contingency analysis, DER management, etc.). The project also included developing detailed lists of DERMS and OMS requirements that were used to solicit vendor roadmaps in these areas.


USA: Industry Alliance – DERMS Requirements

ESTA provided subject matter expertise and writing support for the development of the a Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) Requirements document. The DERMS Requirements document is a list of standard requirements for a DERMS intended to help utilities reduce risks of procuring DERMS and to inform and guide industry vendors in product development efforts. The requirements document incorporated input from the electric power sector by developing and reviewing DERMS use cases linking the functionality, data transmission, and interoperability described in the use cases with requirements listed in the DERMS document.


Canada: Hydro Québec – DERMS Use Case and Business Case Development

The objectives of the consulting project were to estimate the value of DERMS for 6 prioritized use cases and to develop a high-level roadmap for 8 non-prioritized use cases. Each use case involved either load management or decentralized generation management. Project deliverables included identifying benefits for each of the higher priority use cases, analysis and projection of monetary and strategic benefits from each of the higher priority use cases, and a high-level assessment of benefits from the lower priority use cases.





USA: American Electric Power (AEP) – Substation Automation, CIP Cybersecurity, and Upgrades

ESTA was awarded a multiyear contract to support the Protection and Control Engineering (PCE) group with Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) compliance, including the upgrade of substation data repository systems, and secure access to IEDs in substations via an intermediate system.


USA: American Electric Power (AEP) – SCADA/EMS Common Technology Study, Procurement, and Implementation

ESTA provided consulting services for all of AEP’s SCADA/EMS (4 SCADA and 3 EMS) replacement projects. ESTA assessed AEP’s current systems and operating practices, the current industry landscape and system vendor offerings, and identified future requirements. ESTA developed the replacement and procurement strategy, future state requirements and technical specification, and assisted with the solution selection and statement of work resolution support during the solution selection phase. For the implementation phase, ESTA provided program management in the principal Owner’s Engineer role, technical engineering support for design reviews, database and display conversion support, test program planning and execution supervision, commissioning planning and supervision, and organizational change management planning.


USA: Austin Energy – SCADA/EMS Replacement and New ADMS

ESTA supported Austin Energy in the ADMS requirements definition, specification preparation, and support through contract negotiation.


​USA: Black Hills Corporation – ADMS RFP Support

ESTA assisted Black Hills Corporation in the development of an ADMS RFP and supported the bid evaluation process.


USA: Burbank Water and Power (BWP) – ECC (Energy Control Center) Upgrade and ADMS Roadmap Project

ESTA evaluated the capabilities, limitations, and effectiveness of the existing ECC systems and analyzed the gap between existing systems and those available in the marketplace. ESTA then performed a cost-benefits analysis to determine if the benefits from upgrades and/or procurement and implementation of an Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) and associated distribution feeder automation equipment was justified. Based on the business case, ESTA recommended an implementation and procurement roadmap, developed the ADMS technical specifications, and assisted with the ADMS vendor evaluation and selection.


USA: Burbank Water and Power (BWP) – SCADA/GMS/DMS/OMS Replacement with Integrated TDMS 

ESTA performed a current state assessment, future state vision, budgetary estimate, and implementation plan for BWP to replace its legacy SCADA/GMS/DMS/OMS with a new fully integrated Transmission and Distribution Management System (TDMS). ESTA prepared the technical specifications and assisted BWP with the RFP package review, vendor proposal evaluations and Statement of Work (SOW) finalization activities. ESTA prepared and tailored an evaluation methodology and approach that BWP used to select the preferred vendor. ESTA is also providing program management and technical support during the implementation of the project through commissioning.


USA: Eversource – DMS, OMS and DERMS Requirements Review and Update

ESTA developed a comprehensive set of functional, technical, and performance requirements for an ADMS to be implemented by the four Eversource operating companies. Requirements included cutting edge advanced distribution system applications (unbalanced load flow, VVO, FLISR, state estimation, contingency analysis, DER management, etc.). The project also included developing detailed lists of DERMS and OMS requirements that were used to solicit vendor roadmaps in these areas.


USA: Large IOU (5 operating companies) – ADMS Product Vendor RFP Lead

The large IOU had gathered ADMS functional requirements from representatives of its different operation companies. ESTA’s role was to review and consolidate all the SCADA and DMS requirements and augment requirements, as required, to address any technical gaps. In addition, ESTA provided requirements for the associated services needed such as training, documentation, QA, testing, etc.


USA: Large Federally-Owned Utility – SCADA/EMS Replacement

ESTA conducted a current state assessment, future state requirements, external market assessment including RFI, and detailed technical specifications to replace and consolidate the existing SCADA/AGC system and power network applications. ESTA also provided project management and technical advice during the project implementation.


USA: MidAmerican Energy and Berkshire Hathaway Energy Renewables (MEC/BHER) – SCADA/EMS/GMS Replacement Projects

ESTA provided consulting services to MEC/BHER for the replacement strategy of their respective SCADA/EMS/GMS and SCADA/GMS systems. Services included definition of the future state requirements, development of technical specifications and statement of work negotiation support with the selected solution provider.



ESTA assisted NIPSCO with the preparation of a detailed statement of work to replace its SCADA/EMS. This system included both TSCADA and DSCADA architected to ensure that the DSCADA does not fall under NERC CIP reporting requirements. In addition, the new system also replaced the existing power network applications and supported NIPSCO’s generation control interface with the MISO market. NIPSCO also contracted with ESTA to provide project management and technical support during project implementation.


USA: NV Energy (NVE) – SCADA/EMS/DMS/OMS Upgrade

ESTA provided consulting services to NV Energy for their SCADA/EMS and DMS/OMS systems upgrade strategy. Services included future state requirements definition, technical specification development and statement of work negotiation support. ESTA also supported NV Energy with the implementation phase.


Canada: Hydro Québec – SCADA/EMS/GMS/ DMS/OMS Replacement Project (MSCRT) Project

ESTA provided consulting support for the Grid Control System Upgrade (MSCRT) project. Hydro-Québec is upgrading its grid control systems and consolidating them into a single platform with the objective to support its business vision for integrated smart grid management and continuous equipment monitoring to maintain and improve the reliability of its generation, transmission, and distribution facilities. The upgrade project includes ESTA assistance in the development of the requirements and specifications for the procurement of new SCADA/GMS/EMS and SCADA/DMS/OMS (ADMS) systems and associated OT/IT systems integration.


India: Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation (CESC) – ADMS Smart Grid Specifications

ESTA developed the Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) specifications for CESC, a large privately held electric utility serving the city of Kolkata,


Taiwan: Taiwan Power Company (TPC) – Central Dispatch and Control System Update

ESTA was awarded a contract to support replacement of the SCADA/EMS systems comprising the Taipei and Kaohsiung Central Dispatch Control System (CDCS) facilities. These systems are among the very few systems in the world that allow control centers to operate in a dual active-active configuration. ESTA’s assignment included market analysis, gap analysis, transition to market operations strategy, requirements definition, specifications preparation, procurement support, implementation oversight, testing (factory, site, and availability), and support during commercial operation of the new systems. ESTA also provided training workshops on cybersecurity, Common Information Model (CIM), and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI).


Thailand: Metropolitan Electricity Authority of Thailand (MEA) – SCADA/DMS Replacement

ESTA, as a subcontractor to Chulalongkorn University, assisted MEA (the distribution utility serving Bangkok and two neighboring provinces) with the specification, procurement, and implementation of new SCADA/EMS/DMS systems located at two control centers, each of which can serve as backup to the other. The scope of work included integration of monitoring and control facilities at 18 district offices, major updates to the SCADA/EMS requirements, specifications, and associated commercial bidding documents, development of bidding procedures suitable for international competitive bidding and a bid evaluation methodology, and evaluation of bids and award of contract recommendations.


Thailand: Provincial Electricity Authority of Thailand (PEA) – Smart Grid and Distribution Dispatching Center Improvement Project (DDIP) 

ESTA was selected by PEA (a government entity operating all distribution systems outside of Bangkok and two nearby provinces, i.e., covering 99% or the country) to develop plans for upgrading their SCADA/EMS/DMS/DT systems to meet PEA’s ongoing and future Smart Grid initiatives. Services included the development of requirements and an upgrade roadmap, and an architecture that improved performance, capacity, simplified maintenance and support, reduced costs, allowed for future-proofing, and provided disaster recovery capabilities. It also included design activities addressing the need for new “last-mile” communications and field device (recloser, load break switch, voltage regulator, capacitor bank) interfaces, and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) as it pertains, for example, to integration of the SCADA/EMS/DMS systems with GIS, OMS, and MDM/AMI. ESTA prepared bidding documents for the new and upgraded systems and their associated field device and communications equipment including bid methodology and bidder pre-qualification, and assisted with bid evaluation and award of contract activities.


Thailand: Provincial Electricity Authority of Thailand (PEA) – SCADA/EMS/DMS/OMS Upgrade

ESTA was selected by PEA (a government entity operating all distribution systems outside of Bangkok and two nearby provinces, i.e., covering 99% or the country) to assist with review and analysis of its existing EMS and 12 DMS systems and development of the requirements and specifications used to replace these systems by a new Transmission and Distribution Management System (TDMS), the servers of which were deployed at two data centers to provide backup capabilities. The existing 13 control centers accessed the TDMS functions via remote consoles. ESTA’s scope of work included the requirements and specifications for procurement of feeder IEDs for TDMS monitoring and control of 4,000 line reclosers and 15,000 load break switches deployed on approximately 5,500 MV feeders as part of PEA’s distribution automation program and the associated MARS communication cells. The work included development of the bid evaluation methodologies, assistance with bid evaluations, and contractor selections through award of contracts.



Smart Grids and Grid Modernization


USA: Confidential Utility Client – AMI Project

ESTA supported this client in the development of a technical specification for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI).


USA: US Department of Energy (DOE) – International Smart Grid Study and Benchmarking

ESTA conducted a study of international Smart Grid programs around the globe. 66 electric power industry participants from 42 countries on five continents voluntarily shared information on their Smart Grid programs. ESTA designed a custom survey and used a web survey tool to solicit information from utilities around the globe. The results were compiled into a detailed report grouped into regions, functionalities and more. The study focused on the following Smart Grid aspects: current status, drivers, barriers, technologies and solution components, implementation schedules and challenges, corporate priorities, utility organizational involvement, funding, impact on procedures and processes, impact on organization staffing, international collaboration, role of governments and local organizations driving Smart Grid, and standards development.


USA: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) – International Smart Grid Coordination Support Project

NIST awarded a contract to ESTA to support international Smart Grid coordination. The scope of this project included reviews of international Smart Grid documents and written analysis, market research and review of international Smart Grid activities, including but not limited to status, economic drivers, barriers, components and challenges. ESTA also provided observations and recommendations for NIST involvement in Smart Grid activities.


USA: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) – Smart Grid Electric Energy Consumption (Smart Meter) Test Facility Project

ESTA under contract to NIST designed a Smart Meter test facility at the NIST complex in Maryland, USA. This project identified the desired features of Smart Meters, the necessary tests to confirm functionality, the test equipment needed, the design/layout of the facility, and development of comprehensive standard operating procedures.


USA: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) – Smart Grid Sensors and Measurement Needs Project

ESTA was awarded a contract to help NIST with a Smart Grid Sensor and Measurement Technology project. ESTA reviewed current sensors in use in the industry, identified potential future sensors needed to support the Smart Grid, and suggested possible research areas for NIST to undertake in this area. Technologies examined included those based on optical, conventional electrical, micro-electromechanical machines (MEMs), and other methods. Focus was on measurements of electrical quantities (voltage, current, power, and energy) and the most pressing needs widely acknowledged by utilities.


USA: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) – Smart Grid Synchrophasor Standards and SynchroMetrology Laboratory Support Project

ESTA, under contract to NIST, provided support in the development of requirements for Phasor Data Concentrators (PDCs) and Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)-PDC and PDC-PDC communications methods and further development of the SynchroMetrology testbed for enhanced capabilities, including development of requirements, testing and certification approaches for PMUs and PDCs, testing of protocols in support of SynchroMetrology standards and development of interoperability tests. ESTA also assisted with the harmonization of relevant standards (IEEE C37.118 and IEC 61850, and DNP3.0 and IEC 61850) in support of NIST Priority Action Plan 12 - DNP3 Mapping to 61850 Objects and Priority Action Plan 13 - Harmonization of IEEE C37.118 and IEC 61850.


India: Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation (CESC) Limited – Smart Grid Feasibility Study

ESTA performed a Smart Grid feasibility study for CESC, a large privately held electric utility serving the city of Kolkata, a major metropolitan area in India. ESTA’s activities included review of the existing infrastructure, assessment of Smart Grid readiness using the Smart Grid Maturity Model (SGMM), development of a Smart Grid roadmap, development of an Enterprise Application Interface (EAI), identification of a pilot project, and related activities. The work included a detailed analysis of existing SCADA systems and the need for new SCADA/EMS/DMS systems, reliable communication systems, and cyber security recommendations.


India: Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) – Smart Grid Test Bed

CPRI selected ESTA to support the preparation of a detailed planning and procurement document for the implementation of a Smart Grid test bed project in Bangalore, India. The test bed, which consisted of an integrated Interoperability Laboratory and Smart Grid Technology Demonstration Center, allowed CPRI to research and perform controlled evaluations of integrated Smart Grid technologies. Design details included the need for a small-scale SCADA system, campus metering devices and communications network, substation protection equipment, simulation systems, in-line test harnesses, and technology workshops.


India: India Power Corporation Limited (IPCL) – Technical Assistance for Smart Grid Technologies

ESTA assisted IPCL in the technical and economic analysis of proposed Smart Grid technologies and processes for reducing losses in Gaya DF and to develop an end-to-end enterprise IT architecture for IPCL’s utility business. The objectives of this study were to enable IPCL to have a clear roadmap on required investments, expected returns on investments and priorities to make an informed decision on the rollout of Smart Grid in the service territory. ESTA helped IPCL with the analysis of Smart Grid technologies, applications and standards, detailed recommendations of IT systems and pilot projects (including business case for regulatory approvals), economic analysis and financing plans, and environmental and developmental impact assessments, while addressing policy and regulatory aspects.


Mauritius: Central Electricity Board (CEB) – Smart Grid Project

ESTA provided consulting services for the development of a strategic Smart Grid roadmap for the Republic of Mauritius. The goal was to help CEB transition from its current state to more effective and efficient future states via the integration of select technologies, such renewable energy, EMS, DMS, and OMS systems, AMI, demand response, and cyber security. This included the selection of technologies based on applicability, costs, and benefits. In this respect, CEB business objectives were addressed within the context of mitigating the risks of implementing new technologies, applications, and standards while addressing relevant national policies and regulations and establishing governance mechanisms for future investments at CEB.


Mexico: Comisión Reguladora de Energía de México (CRE) – Smart Grid Regulatory Framework

ESTA was awarded a contract by the Energy Regulatory Commission of Mexico for the development of a Smart Grid regulatory framework for the country of Mexico. This work included a review of international Smart Grid activities, assessment of the readiness of the Mexican power system for Smart Grid, development of a roadmap, suggestions for incentives to encourage Smart Grid deployment, and economic analysis, environmental analysis, and other related activities.


Philippines: Aboitiz Power Company (APC) – Visayas Smart Grid Feasibility Study and Implementation Roadmap

ESTA assisted the Aboitiz Power Corporation, the holding company of Visayan Electric Company (VECO), in determining the appropriate approach for implementing Smart Grid solutions for grid reinforcement and reliability. Activities included system resiliency requirements review, technology and operations gap analysis, enterprise architecture design, cost estimate and cost-benefit analysis of the selected alternatives, implementation roadmap and investment plan preparation, developmental impact assessment, and preliminary environmental impact assessment. This work included a detailed analysis of SCADA/EMS/DMS, substation and distribution automation, communication systems, AMI, and cyber security requirements.


Philippines: Cagayan Electricity Power & Light Company (CEPALCO) – Feasibility Study of AMI Rollout

CEPALCO selected ESTA to help determine the viability and appropriate approach for implementing smart metering solutions. CEPALCO’s goals included improved reliability, losses, revenue collection and customer service; reduced maintenance and operational costs; and evaluation of demand response. ESTA services included assessment of the existing IT/OT systems and business processes, development of business requirements, customer performance surveys, design of an AMI solution including smart metering and estimation of Value-of-Lost-Load (VOLL). ESTA also assisted with the development of functional requirements and technical specifications, cost-benefit analysis, technical training, conducting a technology exchange program including a US technical tour, identification of regulatory issues and financing options, development of an implementation plan and roadmap, and serving as an expert witness in front of the Regulator.


Thailand: Provincial Electricity Authority of Thailand (PEA) – Smart Grid and Distribution Dispatching Center Improvement Project (DDIP) 

ESTA was selected by PEA to develop plans for upgrading their SCADA/EMS/DMS/DT systems to meet PEA’s ongoing and future Smart Grid initiatives. Services included the development of requirements and an upgrade roadmap, and an architecture that improved performance, capacity, simplified maintenance and support, reduced costs, allowed for future-proofing, and provided disaster recovery capabilities. It also included design activities addressing the need for new “last-mile” communications and field device (recloser, load break switch, voltage regulator, capacitor bank) interfaces, and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) as it pertains, for example, to integration of the SCADA/EMS/DMS systems with GIS, OMS, and MDM/AMI. ESTA prepared bidding documents for the new and upgraded systems and their associated field device and communications equipment including bid methodology and bidder pre-qualification, and assisted with bid evaluation and award of contract activities.


Turkey: Turkish Electric Transmission Company (TEİAŞ) – Smart Grid Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan

TEİAŞ selected ESTA to undertake a Smart Grid study that included a review and assessment of the current system, a technical gap analysis, development of requirements, cost estimates, financial analysis, a blueprint for investment, a 5-year implementation plan with budget, regulatory, environmental, and capacity building impacts, and training and technology exchange. This work included a detailed analysis of the TEİAŞ SCADA/EMS, communication system, protection and control systems, substation automation, cyber security requirements, and integration of renewable energy resources to the grid. It also included a review and update of the IEC 61850 based substation design specifications.


Turkey: Yesilimak Electricity Distribution Co. (YEDAŞ) – Feasibility Study of the 2nd Stage Smart Grid Projects

YEDAS had commissioned a Distribution Management System (DMS) and was planning to develop roadmaps for a second phase of its Smart Grid projects. ESTA’s work included a review and assessment of the current system, a technical gap analysis, development of requirements, cost estimates, financial analysis, a blueprint for investment, a 5-year implementation plan with budget, regulatory, environmental, and capacity building impacts, and training and technology exchange. Within this context, a detailed analysis was performed of the YEDAS network to determine the number and location of new RTUs and auto-reclosers required to improve network observability and reliability. Also, in addition to an AMI pilot project design, Volt/VAr optimization requirements were developed by ESTA to accommodate the integration of renewable energy resources to the grid.


United Arab Emirates (UAE): Public Service Utility – Smart Grid Program

ESTA performed a Smart Grid feasibility study for a large privately held transmission and distribution company in the United Arab Emirates. The Smart Grid evaluation included SCADA/DMS, EMS, OMS, substation and distribution automation, Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), telecommunications, asset management, IT infrastructure, and business process architecture. This work included a detailed analysis of existing OT/IT systems and processes, including power system operations, and the need for improved SCADA/EMS/DMS/OMS technology (including new distribution automation functions such as FLISR, OFR, and VVC), development of modern digital substation protection and control specifications based on IEC 61850, reliable communication systems, cyber security recommendations, and design of a Substation Automation training center and laboratory. In-depth market surveys were also conducted covering the systems, capabilities, and experience of major international vendors with respect to substation automation and SCADA/EMS/DMS/OMS functionality.


United Arab Emirates (UAE): Public Service Utility – Design of Operations Technology Training Center

As part of the Smart Grid program, ESTA was tasked with developing a design that could be used to procure systems and equipment for implementing an Operations Technology Training Center (OTTC). The main focus was on substation automation training for operators and engineers from the perspective of using the monitoring and control functions and interoperation with the utility's SCADA/EMS. The OTTC was also used for training and testing on substation protection schemes and the associated communications technology and standards via simulation and in-line device installations, including the interoperability, configuration, operation, troubleshooting, and maintenance of substation IEDs and their associated communications networks. In this respect, it was possible to conduct training and testing at the SCADA, station, bay, and individual IED levels.


Vietnam: Electricity Regulatory Authority of Vietnam – Review of Smart Grid Implementation Program

This work included development of the methodology for accessing the Smart Grid programs in Vietnam.  It included reviews and recommendations concerning AMI, SCADA/EMS/DMS, unmanned substations, and overall operational and business improvements.




USA: PECO Energy – Smart Energy Campus Microgrid Project

ESTA worked on PECO Energy’s Berwyn Smart Energy Campus microgrid project, which included DERs of all types (inverter-based DG, AC generators, energy storage systems, and controllable loads), protection and control systems, identification of required changes to PECO Energy’s existing protection systems, system procurement, testing, and implementation. The microgrid was designed to provide “seamless” transitions from grid-connected mode to islanded mode with no interruption of power supply on the microgrid during the transitions. Another PECO Energy objective was to avoid unnecessary microgrid transitions to island operation following temporary (self-clearing) faults; this required an in-depth review of PECO Energy’s automatic reclosing policies as well as appropriate application of low-voltage ride through (LVRT) on microgrid inverter connected DERs. ESTA’s contribution to the PECO Energy microgrid included developing technical specifications for procuring and implementing a microgrid comprised of multiple BESSs, solar power and wind generators, natural gas fired generators, controllable loads, communication and protection facilities, and other essential microgrid components. The main purpose of the microgrid was to demonstrate the microgrid concepts and gain experience with BESSs and other components. The microgrid also enabled PECO Energy to maintain the highest possible reliability for this facility, which houses a backup control center that is used during widespread storm emergencies.


USA: The Philadelphia Navy Yard – Microgrid Project

ESTA worked with the Navy Yard (formerly known as the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard and Philadelphia Naval Business Center) in developing an overall energy master plan, followed by an overall microgrid strategy that included substation construction, demand response, and advanced metering infrastructure implementation. The strategy developed and tested leading edge processes and systems to enhance the image of the Navy Yard to make it even more attractive to prospective tenants. 


Thailand: Provincial Electricity Authority of Thailand (PEA) – Microgrid Development Project at Mae Sariang District

ESTA, under contract to Chiang Mai University, supported PEA with a microgrid development project at Mae Sariang District, Mae Hongson Province (MGDP). The objectives of this project were to improve the reliability and quality of power in the Mae Sariang area, replace other types of peaking generation to meet growth in peak demand, reduce power losses in distribution lines, overcome constraints in the development of new transmission lines, support the expansion of renewable energy in the area, reduce Green House Gas (GHG) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and implement the first smart microgrid system in the PEA power system. The scope of the consulting work included system technical requirements, including integration with existing generation; procurement procedures and implementation plans, including budget and  schedule estimations; prepare bidding documents for competitive bid tendering; evaluation of bidder technical proposals and selection of compliant bidders; participation in contract negotiations and preparation of contract documents; and conducting a microgrid technology transfer program for PEA personnel.



IEC 61850 and Digital Substations


USA: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) – Testing and Certification Roadmap for IEC 61850 for DER and CIM

ESTA developed a testing and certification roadmap for IEC 61850 for DER and CIM under the UCAIug (UCA International Users Group) Green Button Interoperability Testing and Certification Authority (lTCA) framework.


USA: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) – IEC 61850 Profile for DER Supporting IEEE 1547

ESTA defined an IEC 61850 profile to meet the requirements of IEEE 1547-2018 using the modeling principles of the core standard, as well as the DER integration specific models defined in IEC 61850-7-420.


USA: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) – Smart Grid Synchrophasor Standards and SynchroMetrology Laboratory Support Project

ESTA, under contract to NIST, provided support in the development of requirements for Phasor Data Concentrators (PDCs) and Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)-PDC and PDC-PDC communications methods and further development of the SynchroMetrology testbed for enhanced capabilities, including development of requirements, testing and certification approaches for PMUs and PDCs, testing of protocols in support of SynchroMetrology standards and development of interoperability tests. ESTA also assisted with the harmonization of relevant standards (IEEE C37.118 and IEC 61850, and DNP3.0 and IEC 61850) in support of NIST Priority Action Plan 12 - DNP3 Mapping to 61850 Objects and Priority Action Plan 13 - Harmonization of IEEE C37.118 and IEC 61850.


Canada: Hydro Québec – IEC 61850 Systems Convergence and Automated Control Platform

ESTA was awarded a contract to develop a strategy for migrating 500+ substations to an IEC 61850 based system, including a Remedial Action Scheme (System Integration Protection Scheme), telecommunications and cybersecurity, change management and a migration roadmap. Work included a market survey of top vendors, including tools for simulation and remote settings, a survey of 6 similar utilities using IEC 61850-based substation automation, a migration and sequencing strategy, and presenting two IEC 61850 workshops.


Thailand: Provincial Electricity Authority of Thailand (PEA) – IEC 61850 Substation Automation Project

ESTA, as a subcontractor to Chulalongkorn University, provided 4 days of training on the IEC 61850 standard for substations, which included an overview of IEC 61850 substation and process bus, IEC 61850 modeling principles and communications, and the practical implementation of IEC 61850 in terms of specification, engineering, design, testing and commissioning.


Turkey: Turkish Electric Transmission Company (TEİAŞ) – Smart Grid Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan

TEİAŞ selected ESTA to undertake a Smart Grid study that included a review and assessment of the current system, a technical gap analysis, development of requirements, cost estimates, financial analysis, a blueprint for investment, a 5-year implementation plan with budget, regulatory, environmental, and capacity building impacts, and training and technology exchange. This work included a detailed analysis of the TEİAŞ SCADA/EMS, communication system, protection and control systems, substation automation, cyber security requirements, and integration of renewable energy resources to the grid. It also included a review and update of the IEC 61850 based substation design specifications.


United Arab Emirates (UAE): Public Service Utility – IEC 61850 Substation Automation Program

ESTA developed new Substation Automation requirements and specifications based on IEC61850. The utility had more than 70 transmission substations with the goal to have 100% of its existing and future substations unmanned. The benefits from IEC 61850 included substantial engineering, design, commissioning and maintenance time and cost savings, a standardized system design across multiple transmission substations, uniform operation and maintenance activities, fixed scope of supply with locked-in prices over several years, control of inventory and procurement of spares, and in-depth and sustainable knowledge transfer to its workforce.


United Arab Emirates (UAE): Public Service Utility – Smart Grid Program

ESTA performed a Smart Grid feasibility study for a large privately held transmission and distribution company in the United Arab Emirates. The Smart Grid evaluation included SCADA/DMS, EMS, OMS, substation and distribution automation, Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), telecommunications, asset management, IT infrastructure, and business process architecture. This work included a detailed analysis of existing OT/IT systems and processes, including power system operations, and the need for improved SCADA/EMS/DMS/OMS technology (including new distribution automation functions such as FLISR, OFR, and VVC), development of modern digital substation protection and control specifications based on IEC 61850, reliable communication systems, cyber security recommendations, and design of a Substation Automation training center and laboratory. In-depth market surveys were also conducted covering the systems, capabilities, and experience of major international vendors with respect to substation automation and SCADA/EMS/DMS/OMS functionality.



Wholesale Electricity Market Operations


Mexico: Comisión Reguladora de Energía de México (CRE) – Independent Market Monitor for the Wholesale Electricity Market

ESTA was the Independent Market Monitor for the Mexican wholesale electricity market. During this three-year assignment, ESTA provided daily reports, monthly reports, quarterly reports, and annual reports on the state of the electricity market. ESTA interacted with market participants and stakeholders to ensure conformance to the electricity market laws.


México: Secretaría de Energía (SENER) – Independent Market Monitor for the Wholesale Electricity Market

ESTA, in association with the Instituto Politécnico Nacional of Mexico, performed Independent Market Monitoring activities for the Mexican wholesale electricity market under the direction of SENER in 2016. The Independent Market Monitor and the SENER team saved the Mexican consumers over US $1.3 Billion dollars.


México: Secretaría de Energía (SENER) – Support SENER Refine Policy and Procedures Wholesale Electricity Market

ESTA supported SENER with refining the wholesale electricity market policies and procedures in several key areas. This project was funded by the 21 CPP (21st Century Power Partnership) program.


International: Confidential Client – Study of Global Wholesale Electricity Markets

ESTA conducted a review and analysis of wholesale electricity markets around the globe to assess current activities and future plans.



Engineering Support


USA: Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) – Eleventh Biennial Transmission Assessment 2020-2029

ESTA supported the ACC with both the 10th and 11th ten-year transmission assessment. ACC performs a biennial review of the ten-year transmission plans filed by parties who are responsible for transmission facilities in Arizona and issues a written decision regarding the adequacy of the existing and planned transmission facilities to reliably meet the present and future transmission system needs of Arizona.


USA: Large US Utility – Support for Transmission Protection and Control Engineering

ESTA provided support for various transmission P&C projects over a 3-year contract period. Activities included design work, software development, system testing associated with NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), and assessment of PMU, OSIsoft Pi data historian, asset health center, and other relevant technologies.



Market Studies, Surveys and Guides


USA: Ameren – SCADA/EMS Market Survey

ESTA conducted a vendor market survey for Ameren on the latest offerings in SCADA/EMS, data historian, visualization, analytics, and system integration. ESTA was chosen by Ameren since ESTA is an unbiased and independent vendor with no ties or affiliations to solution vendors, suppliers and system integrators.


USA: US Department of Energy (DOE) – International Smart Grid Study and Benchmarking

ESTA conducted a study of international Smart Grid programs around the globe. 66 electric power industry participants from 42 countries on five continents voluntarily shared information on their Smart Grid programs. ESTA designed a custom survey and used a web survey tool to solicit information from utilities around the globe. The results were compiled into a detailed report grouped into regions, functionalities and more. The study focused on the following Smart Grid aspects: current status, drivers, barriers, technologies and solution components, implementation schedules and challenges, corporate priorities, utility organizational involvement, funding, impact on procedures and processes, impact on organization staffing, international collaboration, role of governments and local organizations driving Smart Grid, and standards development.


Canada: Hydro-Québec – Control Center Benchmarking

As part of a control center consulting project, ESTA benchmarked 11 utilities for their procurement practices and 6 utilities for best practices for control center operational technologies. ESTA identified potential utilities, and after discussions with Hydro-Québec, approached the utilities for their interest in participating in the benchmarking. Utilities were given the option to either respond to a questionnaire or participate in a two-hour web meeting. ESTA prepared the presentations for the web meetings and facilitated the web-meetings.  All participants had the option of remaining anonymous since a summary of results were shared with the participants.


Canada: Hydro-Québec – Substation Automation Benchmarking

Among the various activities of this project, ESTA benchmarked 8 utilities for their digital substation practices, such as IEC 61850. ESTA identified potential utilities, and after discussions with Hydro-Québec, approached the utilities for their interest in participating in the benchmarking. Utilities were given the option to either respond to a questionnaire or participate in a two-hour web meeting. ESTA prepared the presentations for the web meetings and facilitated the web-meetings. All participants had the option of remaining anonymous since the summary of results were shared with the participants.


International: Confidential Client – Operational Technologies Benchmarking

ESTA undertook a survey of SCADA/DMS/OMS/GIS systems used by 22 Distribution Network/System Operators in Europe representing utilities in 18 countries. ESTA identified potential utilizes to survey and offered the participants the option of using a web-based survey tool or in-person interviews. ESTA prepared the presentations for the web meetings and facilitated the web-meetings. All participants had the option of remaining anonymous since the summary of results were shared with the participants.


International: Large Electric Utility – SCADA/EMS and SCMS Benchmarking and Market Studies

ESTA undertook benchmarking and market studies for SCADA/EMS, SCMS (Substation, Control & Monitoring System), and utility best practices. ESTA conducted a comprehensive benchmarking and market study based on industry research and available literature.


World Bank: A Book on “Practical Guidance for Defining a Smart Grid Modernization Strategy – The Case of Distribution”

This book describes how utilities can define their own smart grid vision, identify priorities, and structure investment plans. The guidance includes key building blocks for modernizing the distribution grid and provides examples of grid modernization projects. The book covers four levels of grid modernization based on levels of automation that currently exist at a given electric distribution utility and progressively more sophisticated levels of grid modernization that may be needed to accomplish the vision for grid modernization. Grid modernization level III, the highest level of modernization identified in this guidebook, deals with DER integration and control of demand response. A copy of this guidebook may be downloaded using the following link:


World Bank: Development of Smart Grid Technology Roadmap Guidelines

ESTA was contracted by the World Bank for the development of Smart Grid roadmap guidelines and used these guidelines to develop a Smart Grid technology roadmap for a World Bank member country. The roadmap included SCADA/DMS, EMS, GIS, OMS, and other technologies.



List of USTDA Projects


  • Brazil: Energisa

  • India: Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation (CESC) Limited

  • India: Central Power Research Institute (CPRI)

  • India: India Power Corporation Limited, (IPCL)

  • Mexico: Comisión Reguladora de Energía, (CRE)

  • Philippines: Aboitiz Power Company, (APC)

  • Philippines: Cagayan Electricity Power & Light Company, (CEPALCO)

  • Turkey: Turkish Electricity Transmission Co., (TEIAS)

  • Turkey: Yesilirmak Electricity Distribution Co., (YEDAS)



List of World Bank and UNDP Projects


  • Book: Practical Guidance for Defining a Smart Grid Modernization Strategy – The Case of Distribution

  • Development of Smart Grid Technology Roadmap Guidelines

  • Vietnam: National Load Dispatch Project

  • Mauritius: Central Electricity Board

Smart Grids and Grid Modernization
IEC 61850 and Digital Substations
Wholesale Electricity Market Operations
Engineering Support
Market Studies, Surveys and Guides
List of USTDA Projects
List of World Bank and UNDP Projects
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